Friday, October 8, 2010


So far I have developed digital footprints. I have completed Module 1 and Module 2. Now on to Module 3.

Please click on to link below for some pics of my trip to Northern Spain. Yes I am in Module 3. I have been studying  Atomic Learning Site. Education is fascinating in the 21st  Century. Now I can share pics powerpoints videos with others on the blog but I can also use these tools with my class.


  1. Well done Fran. I have mixed feelings about the essentially techno side to this journey. However, it will be interesting to read your course reflection & then later compare notes after this course.

  2. Thanks for the comment Chilli prawn.
    The journey is getting rocky.

  3. Dear Fran,
    You are an inspiration. A chilliprawn is lucky to have you by her side. We will navigate the rocky terrain together & find a way through this fascinating, educating process I'm sure.
    BTW, I clicked on the link to Northern Spain - I'd really like to go there - but it won't allow me access. A request has been forwarded to you I believe.

  4. all is good - access allowed by the higher powers of cyberland (and you too of course Fran!)
    Your presentation is wonderful - excellent effort!
